
Jogja Trip

I've just arrived from Jogjakarta last Wednesday. And i'm still feel jetlag (even i rode bus) :p Huaaah. It was a long trip. I had left Bogor on Sunday, 4 p.m, and arrived in Semarang at 7 a.m and then continued the journey to Magelang and Jogjakarta. But i really love when i can go back to Magelang and visit Borobudur. It's been a long time since my first visit in 2002. Hehe. And, still, Borobudur made me amazed and fascinated. Unfortunately, my photos on there still in my friends' digicam, so i haven't upload them yet. It's only a few photos that were taken by my handphone.

Look at that sky. So beautiful, isn't it?

Sorry for the low-quality photos since my digicam has broken down :(