

gimme some hearts if you love to. click here



We Heart It

Hey! Could you follow me please on We Heart It? I hope you will, hehe. I really fallin' love with those photos, they're amazing! Five stars for this site :)



Evening Thought

mari sekarang kita merenung.. *jengjeng*

gue akhir-akhir ini selalu merenung.. sekarang gue udah duduk di bangku kelas 3 SMA. dua bulan lagi UN bakalan diselenggarain, SIMAK UI juga, UM UGM juga, SMUP UNPAD juga, dan segala macemnya.. saat ini posisi gue kayak lagi "digantung". pengen cepet-cepet lulus, tapi juga gak mau ninggalin masa-masa SMA.

selama masa SMA gue, gue rasa jarang banget ada hal yang berkesan. gue bukan orang yang eksis dan suka nongkrong di kafe gaul dan gue juga bukan kutu buku yang selalu jadi kesayangan guru-guru. gue bener-bener sangat ordinary. atau di tengah-tengah. atau plin-plan.

saat gue liat temen-temen gue dari SMP yang kebetulan satu sekolah sekarang, gue rasa mereka memiliki sesuatu "lebih" yang gak gue miliki. yang satu, sekarang sukses di eksul dan berorganisasi, yang satu jadi anak gaul, yang satu jadi anak pinter, dan lain-lain.. sedangkan gue, the same as the previous me. gue cuma anak yang, gak pinter-pinter amat, gak gaul-gaul amat, gak dikenal guru-guru amat. pokoknya serba setengah. gue cuma anak SMA biasa yang hobi baca buku, nulis, dan pacaran sama laptop. hmmm..

tapi gue rasa semua itu gak penting. yang penting jadi diri sendiri aja dan gue nyalaman dengan keadaan gue sekarang. dan gue lebih memilih jadi orang pinter dibanding orang populer. makanya sekarang gue lagi berusaha biar jadi pinter.. haha. karena dari dalam diri gue sendiri pun, gue lebih menghargai orang-orang yang berisi dibanding orang yang hanya mementingkan popularitas. bergaul oke, tapi gue gak mikirin popularitas. yang penting gue punya temen yang bisa nyambung sama gue dan bisa gue ajak berbagi apapun.

sekarang, gue pengen banget ngasih pembuktian ini. gue pengen banget bisa jadi orang yang bisa berguna, at least, bagi diri gue sendiri. gue pengen banget bisa jadi orang yang bisa dibanggakan, minimal untuk orang tua gue. karena sekarang gue berjuang mati-matian buat semua tes perguruan tinggi tersebut, karena cuma satu yang gue pengen. gue pengen bikin kedua orang tua gue bangga. gue pengen liat senyum mereka atas apa yang gue capai. i wish i could.. hanya itu.

God, please give my parents, my dearest mom and my lovely daddy longevity. so that i can give them happinesses in their lives. please, give me their smiles. and i know i don't need anything when i can stay with them. for. ever. Amin.



D & F

D & F

dilla & fian


9 august 2007

at classroom

5.30 pm


we both love watching movies on XXI

we both love watching movies on XXI by using freepass so we don't need to spend money for watching our selected movie

we both love eating in the roadside so we don't need spend much money for delicious foods :p

we both love sitting under the old big tree on IPB

i hate cats & kittens and you ever gave me a kitty till i cried. that was my first experience touched that little scary animal

i never visited your house after 2 years we were together, finally my first visit was on April last year

even it's a shame, i admitted that i always taking a bath once a day, until you call me "cadul". hey, don't you ever realize that you have the same habit as me? :p

i ever wished that if i could have one more sibling because i'm feel lonely since my brother left for jogjakarta. and you were lucky since you have a little cute brother.

i gave you a jeans bag when your 15th birthday and you give me a cute watch when my 16th birthday. yes, i'm older than you 10 months. and i hate that

we have the same dream. we wish that we could traveling around the world and would getting married under 25. and ya, having FOUR children. and two of them should be a twins.


It has been 2 years and 5 months. It has passed 2 years and we still together. We don't know whether our relationship will find its way. Whether happy or not, together or not, the two of us or alone again. We're too young for thinking further, but i don't want to go anywhere. My heart has found its right place. Your heart.

Remembering about the first time you say about your feeling. Watching you felt nervous and stammered when you said your "sacred" words. I don't know why but you seemed so cute. Even i had my own answer, i loved enjoying that moment..

9 August 2007

pictures were taken from Daisypath and Weheartit



Quote #2

"Bergaullah dengan orang-orang yang membuat Anda hebat."

-Mario Teguh-



Jogja Part II

Finally.. After a week i didn't post anything, now i'm comeback. Yet, i'm really confused what should i write cause i don't have any interesting story right now. Fortunately, i have just received the photos that were taken by friend's digicam. Because of the size more than 1 MB, it's a little bit long for uploading it, so i just upload only a few. Sorry :|

At Hotel

Dirgantara Museum

At Bus




Jogja Trip

I've just arrived from Jogjakarta last Wednesday. And i'm still feel jetlag (even i rode bus) :p Huaaah. It was a long trip. I had left Bogor on Sunday, 4 p.m, and arrived in Semarang at 7 a.m and then continued the journey to Magelang and Jogjakarta. But i really love when i can go back to Magelang and visit Borobudur. It's been a long time since my first visit in 2002. Hehe. And, still, Borobudur made me amazed and fascinated. Unfortunately, my photos on there still in my friends' digicam, so i haven't upload them yet. It's only a few photos that were taken by my handphone.

Look at that sky. So beautiful, isn't it?

Sorry for the low-quality photos since my digicam has broken down :(