
Cadeaux de Français

My aunt had just arrived from France and brought me many gifts.





Pst. I've just bought a pair of new shoes from Bandung. I love it! :D

Aaand i have a little story. It has been 2 years, 4 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days since my boyfriend and I have a special relationship. And next year, on January 9, we will celebrate our 29th monthsarry. Amin. Hehe. This photo was taken on last Friday.

Do you remember that today is 27th December? 4 days to go until next year. And I haven't any plan for new year's celebration. Anybody wants to take me? Hiks. Hehe. Okay, maybe on new year's night i will open up all of my books and studying until the midnight comes. Maybe it's the best way how to pass the new year's night as a senior grade student. Hehe. My plan for next year:

  • Take an intensive course for university entrance tests
  • Studying at home
  • Reduce my playing times
  • Prepare for UN, SIMAK UI, UM UGM, and SMUP UNPAD.

wish me the best guys, yaaay :)


Quote #1

"When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses."

-Joyce Brothers-